

报告题目Efficiency Measures and S-shaped Production Function

报告时间2021422(周四) 15:00-16:30

腾讯会议:917 131 833



备注: 演讲以英文为主,听众可通过中文提问。



李崇高教授,合肥工业大学黄山学者特聘教授、香港浸会大学荣休教授,主要研究领域为生产效率分析,在Operations Research, European Journal of Operational ResearchJournal of Mathematic EconomicsChina Economic Review,中国社会科学等国际国内权威期刊发表论文数十篇。



In the literature of efficiency analysis, the most frequently used empirical frontier is the piecewise linear frontier exhibiting variable returns to scale (VRS). It has a convex production set and cannot model a conventional property in economics textbooks: the production function has S-shape curve along any ray in the input space. Petersen (1990) introduced empirical production frontiers to model nonconvex production set with convex input and output sets. However, these frontiers do not model variable return to scale. Li (2019) has introduced a new empirical production function that is able to capture variable returns to scale without convexity. The focus of Li (2019) was on nonparametric test. The discussion of this production function was limited. This paper provide details framework of Li’s empirical production frontier and its relationship with efficiency measurement. It turns out that the conventional VRS frontier overestimates the technical inefficiency and underestimates the scale inefficiency of firms. 

            This new empirical frontier is applied to the tourism industry in China. It is found that the conventional VRS frontier fails to capture most of the scale inefficiency of small firms in this industry. Instead, the poor performance of small firms using conventional empirical production frontier is attributed to technical inefficiency. The new frontier indicated that a high proportion of the overall inefficiency of small firms is due to their small scale. This leads to important policy implications to the development of the tourism sector in China. 


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