经济学院学术报告之Ying Juan Xiong


报告题目:How Will Technology Affect International Trade?

报告时间:2018年5月24日(周四)19:00 – 20:00


工作单位:美国克拉克大学(Clark University)

:Ying Juan Xiong  


报告摘要:This lecture will discuss the effect of technology on international trade. The rapid pace of innovation and advanced technologies in recent years have changed the traditional ways of global trade, and also driven the global economy through a period of extraordinary growth and dynamism.  Big data, Smart automation, advanced robotics and 3-D printing are new factors influencing which locations are attractive for production and international trade patterns. It caused disruptions in the job markets but also will provide new opportunities.

报告人简介:Ying Juan Xiong,美国克拉克大学教师,合肥工业大学-美国克拉克大学国际经济与贸易(中外合作办学)专业美方授课教师,主要讲授《International Trade Theory》等课程,并从事国际贸易学、世界经济学等方面的研究。

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